The Webkinz Shar Pei, Ferret, Bubblegum Cheeky Cat and Peace Puppy are March 2010’s featured Webkinz pets! Check your favorite Webkinz retailer for availability.
Aw they’re so cute. … Aw they’re so cute. :3 The Peace Puppy will bring a lot of peace to YouTube now. xD
Can you please make some more real animals though? There’s so many you could do! And I kinda miss the Webkinz from 2008. 🙁 There were so many real animals! It would be awesome if you could make a Webkinz Raccoon Dog! (Yes that is a real animal it’s from Japan. It resembles a raccoon but it’s in the dog family.)
Awsome!, please do … Awsome!, please do more pets like the peace puppy! And as an ASPCA member please create a shelter pet series with pitbulls and other animals
11 Responses
28|Mar|2010 1very very nice
very very nice
28|Mar|2010 2Aw they’re so cute. …
Aw they’re so cute. :3 The Peace Puppy will bring a lot of peace to YouTube now. xD
Can you please make some more real animals though? There’s so many you could do! And I kinda miss the Webkinz from 2008. 🙁 There were so many real animals! It would be awesome if you could make a Webkinz Raccoon Dog! (Yes that is a real animal it’s from Japan. It resembles a raccoon but it’s in the dog family.)
28|Mar|2010 3Awsome!, please do …
Awsome!, please do more pets like the peace puppy! And as an ASPCA member please create a shelter pet series with pitbulls and other animals
28|Mar|2010 4just got the …
just got the bubblegum cheeky cat on saturday! hoping to get peace puppy next!! 🙂
28|Mar|2010 5cute! great idea on …
cute! great idea on the bubble gum cheeky cat! lots of people will be buying that one! =D
28|Mar|2010 6i only saw the …
i only saw the ferret shar pei and bubble gum cheeky cat:)
28|Mar|2010 7Cute<3
28|Mar|2010 8I have the Shar Pei …
I have the Shar Pei, the Ferret and the Bengal TIger, was one of the first people to get each of them last month 😀
28|Mar|2010 9i got the peace …
i got the peace puppy 🙂 so awesome!!!!!
is the ubble gm cat real or an E-store pet?
28|Mar|2010 10i know me too!! …
i know me too!! only they were bubblegum cheeky cats….
28|Mar|2010 11i bought 3 peace …
i bought 3 peace puppys i LOVE WEBKINz!
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